Thrive Market Food, Drinks | Ethical Household Products @ Thrive Market

Our guiding principles - Healthy, Natural, Vegan, Free From, Ethical, Eco and Organic…a one stop shop for the healthy shopper who cares equally for the planet and its other inhabitants. Our aim is to provide you with a one stop shop for by gathering together everything that is good for you and offering a service that really is healthy shopping made easy. The range we carry is not only crammed full of both healthy foods, but also delicious foods to help you eat healthily, fitness foods, organic foods, vitamins and herbal remedies, cruelty free toiletries and eco-friendly household products.
Healthy - we are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality health foods on the market. We have thousands of healthy foods for you to choose from some of which are near impossible to come by from your average high street.
Free-from - gluten free, wheat free, dairy free and other free-from foods. With our improved 'drill down' facility, we have made it as easy as possible for you to find the specific type of product(s) you require that you can doing your weekly shop is as convenient as possible.
Fairtrade encompasses, broadly speaking, two groups in the developing world. There are the small farmers who grow products such as coffee and cocoa and market their products through local co-operatives. To these people receiving a fair price for their produce is the key issue. The second group are the workers employed on estates such as tea plantations for whom fair wages and decent working conditions are the primary concern. Many of our products now bear the widely recognized 'Fairtrade' label, an independently audited consumer label that guarantees a fair deal for producers in the developing world. We stock as wide a range of products with the Fairtrade' label as possible.
Eco - we continue to add to the eco friendly products we hold here. Here at HQ, we hate waste. We try to reuse as much of the packaging that our suppliers send our goods in, the cardboard boxes that we can’t resend your order out in are used as padding to protect the product(s) from damage. Where we do have to use plastic, we try to reuse stuff that has come in on one of our deliveries – old pallet wrap for example, although it’s pretty rare that we need to. Our pallets that we no longer need are given back to our suppliers who reuse them, they have covered many deliveries in their lifetime.
Organic - We believe that the use of pesticides and fertilizers in food production is not only adding harmful toxins and chemicals to our food and thereby affecting our health; it also has a damaging impact on the environment. In recent years the organic market has grown alongside increasing consumer demand for organic produce. This has enabled us to stock an ever-growing number of organic lines which we source both locally, supporting farmers, producers and the local economy as well as from developing countries.
Vegetarian - Over the years, our enthusiasm at being able to offer such a large and diverse range of vegetarian and vegan products on our shelves never wanes.
Innovation – We continue to scour the market for new innovative solutions. The below areas are a particular focus for us. We keep our ears to the ground, always looking to bring first-to-market brands...products that show a genuine step change;
- Zero waste – war on waste.
- Plant based ingredients
- Reduced Sugar (and Salt)
- Wellness & Gut health
Provenance - Traceability is very important to us. Accordingly, you can rest assured that each of our items have been carefully assessed for product/ingredient quality and to ensure an ethical value-chain; from raw material to the finished product.
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